The Walking Dead Season 6 - Place Your Bets: Who Lives, Who Dies

Mid-Season Finale Leaves "They're Screwed" Feeling
By Mr. Joe Walker

If you watched Talking Dead on Nov. 29, 2015, you heard host Chris Hardwick read an interesting letter from The Walking Dead showrunner, Scott M. Gimple. It basically hyped Season 6 Episode 9, set to air Feb. 14, 2016, as the most must-see in the show's history. I'm believing the hype. With all its major characters left in horribly uncomfortable, wrong-move-and-you're-dead situations, I can't help but wonder just how many of The Walking Dead's mainstays won't make it out the mid-season premier alive. We have until February to speculate, so lets place some bets: Who lives, who dies?

Captain America: Civil War Trailer - Watch. Enjoy. Repeat.

I've watched the trailer for Marvel's third Captain America film at least 20 times. I've honestly lost count, getting more excited for it's May 6th release with each viewing. Loosely based on Mike Millar's graphic novel Civil War, this next chapter of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is certain to be one for the ages. Watching the friendship/partnership of Avengers' Captain America and Iron Man violently torn apart by their own ideals is epic storytelling. I encourage you to watch the trailer over and over too! | By Mr. Joe Walker

Mr. Joe Walker Interviews Janelle Monae

Janelle Monae Interviews
By Mr. Joe Walker

Speaking with Janelle Monae is always a thrill ride; she's so energetic and exciting, and passionate about life, artistry, and humanity. Our two interviews for are like vivid paintings come to life. Please enjoy, and thank you for reading!

Mr. Joe Walker Interviews Julia Beverly for

By Mr. Joe Walker

Mr. Joe Walker's Great Acoustics Series featuring Leigh Kakaty, Kenya, Elle Varner

Great Acoustics Series
featuring Leigh Kakaty of Pop Evil, Kenya, Elle Varner

By Mr. Joe Walker

What do Pop Evil lead singer Leigh Kakaty, soul singer/songwriter Kenya. and singer/producer Elle Varner have in common? Besides topping the Billboard charts it's their knowledge of acoustics. In this 3-interview series written by me exclusively for, these three artists discuss proper use of their voices and instruments, and getting the most out their sound - no matter the environment. Check them out!

Mr. Joe Walker Interviews PL 12 for CONCRETE Magazine

By Mr. Joe Walker

Mr. Joe Walker's Best Interviews #5 - Casha Monet, Kim Morrell, Rodney Perry, Taj Jackson

Best Interviews #5
By Mr. Joe Walker

Here you'll find links to some of my best interviews since returning to writing online regularly in 2010. There's more to come. Check these out!

Mr. Joe Walker's Urban Legend Columns - October 2015

'Urban Legend' - October 2015
By Mr. Joe Walker

'Urban Legend', a weekly column written by me exclusively for, pays homage to iconic television and movie characters, and hip-hop artists. Here you'll find each column from October 2015. Check them out!

Mr. Joe Walker's Most Read Article - October 2015

By Mr. Joe Walker

This feature examining the hype and controversy surrounding Star Wars:The Force Awakens was my most read article via my ByMrJoeWalker blog during October 2015. Thank you for reading!