Day 113 – Marvel

Day 113 – Marvel
By Jiddoe S'Phatt

Warmest greetings! My name is Jiddoe S’Phatt. Welcome to Day 113 of “Blog 365”.
A little piece of me goes into each entry I write. I hope you enjoy this one!

I’m a fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, indeed. I’m also inspired by it. I admire it. They’ve been telling one long story for 10 years. It’s a tale that’s garnered unwavering investment from audiences around the world for an entire decade.

Back in 2008 when ‘Iron Man’ wrapped, I remember lingering in the theater having a conversation as the credits rolled. I and the few other people still in there were caught completely off guard when the post-credits scene started.

Every one of was stunned to see Samuel Jackson as Nick Fury. Then he mentioned “The Avengers Initiative”. From that moment on I salivated for an Avengers movie, a film I still drool over even though I’ve watched it, oh, 45 times? 50?

I’ve watched it an insane amount of times.

Seeing it for the first in the theater was the best, though. I can still hear the packed house explode with excitement when Thanos was revealed at the end. A story I thought was just building to where we were in 2012 was actually just getting started.

In a couple days I’ll finally see the culmination of 10 years of storytelling. It’s impressive, inspiring, and darn admirable.


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